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Caneles Homemade Recipe 可麗露食譜

cannelés de bordeaux RECIPE

家用焗爐也可以烤出可麗露   食譜


Bake it at home! Traditional french pastry cannelés de bordeaux is really not difficult as you have imagined! Without a convection oven, I can bake caneles that are super crunchy outside with gooey and moist custard filling inside. They just taste divine, especially when eaten on the same date of baking!

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Complete step by step tutorial on Youtube:

Recipe (for 14 caneles)
Milk 500g

Butter 50g

Vanilla beans 2 pcs

Cake flour 50g

Bread flour 50g

icing sugar 250g

Full Egg (yolk + white). 150g

Egg yolk 48g

Dark Rum 60g



Egg Batter

  1. Sieve the cake flour, bread flour and icing sugar together into a bowl. 

  2. Add egg and egg yolk. Use whisk to mix slightly. 

Vanilla Milk Mixture

  1. Vanilla beans split half. Use the knife edge to scrape the seeds loose from the pod. 

  2. Add milk, butter, vanilla beans and the empty vanilla pods to pot. Heat in small to medium fire until butter melts (70C-80C)

  3. Add the warm milk mixture to egg batter in small portions(add 2 tablespoons per each time). Mix well with a spoon. The mixture should turn quite liquid after all milk mixture are added. 

  4. Sieve the mixture and return the used vanilla pods to the bowl. Add rum once the batter cools down. 

  5. Cover with clingflim. Refrigerate at least 48 hours. This ageing process allows the gluten to relax and swell, improved the texture and flavours too. 

  6. Preheat oven to 250C for 30 minutes. 

  7. Stir  the batter after refrigerating as vanilla beans sink to the bottom. 

  8. For both copper molds and non-stick molds, brushed melted butter to molds. 

  9. Fill the molds with batter until they are 80% filled. 

  10. For a home oven (non-convention oven), bake caneles in the middle rack for 20 minutes with 220C.  The caneles will keep rising up (mushroom effect), remove from oven and knock them on the kitchen bench to allow the canele to sink back into the mould. 

  11. Continue to bake at the middle rack for 30minutes in 200C.

  12. Bake at the bottom rack for 20 minutes in 200C. The caneles should turn from golden brown to dark brown. If they are overburnt on the top, cover with aluminium foil.

  13. Check if your canele is done by unmolding one. If the caneles still have yellowish bottom (the french called them white butts), return to oven for additional 10 minutes of baking. 

  14. Let cool for 2 hours at room temperature. Caneles are suggested to be eaten on the day they are baked.






牛奶 500g


雲里拿條 2支



糖霜 250g

雞蛋 150g (~3 個. 每個 30G)

蛋黃  48g (~2 個. 每個 20g)

冧酒 60g




  1. 高筋麵粉、低筋麵粉和糖霜一起過箕 

  2. 加入雞蛋和蛋黃,用手動打蛋器略略攪拌


  1. 雲里拿條開半,刮出雲里拿籽 

  2. 牛奶,牛油,雲里拿籽及雲里拿條放鍋中加熱至牛油溶解及出煙即可 (約70至80度)

  3. 熱奶類逐少加入蛋黃糊(每2湯匙),由底到頂拌起攪勻。加入所有液體後,糊漿應該變得很有流動性。 

  4. 混合物過箕入密封食物盒,加入雲里拿條放涼後加入冧酒。

  5. 蛋糕糊密封,冷藏靜置48小時。熟成的過程可使所有的原料更細緻的融合,加入煮過的香草筴可使它的香味完整地釋放到蛋糕漿中 

  6. 家用焗爐預熱250度30分鐘.

  7. 取出冷藏後的蛋糕糊,由底至頂攪勻過箕。

  8. 焗模: 無論是不沾模或銅模,模具內徹底塗融化牛油。牛油會令可麗露外層更香脆。銅模的話更加要徹底塗油,不然脱模會黏住。

  9. 用量杯倒蛋糕糊入銅模,倒8成滿就可 

  10. 放入倒爐中層220度焗20分鐘。此時可麗露在焗爐中應該興奮地冒出來向上升。快速打開焗爐取出,在枱面敲打模具令它回縮。放回焗爐。

  11. 轉200度中層焗30分鐘。

  12. 轉下層200度焗20分鐘。在最後20分鐘表面應該漸漸上色成焦糖色至深啡色,如開始變焦可蓋上錫紙。

  13. 焗完倒出檢查底部上色情況。如果仍然是黃色再加焗10分鐘。如已輕焦糖色可於倒扣在鐵架上放涼。

  14. 放涼後可以食用。建議當天食用最佳。

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